SaddleSore Km Series
Bun Burner Km Series
Version 7.0
Date last revised: 2-SEPTEMBER-2023
© 2022, Iron
Butt Association, Sheridan, Wyoming
Please respect our intellectual property rights. Do not
distribute this document or portions therein, without the written
permission of the Iron Butt Association.
SaddleSore Documentation Guidelines - the short version (long detailed version below):
History - the IBA has been issuing 1,600 kilometer-1,000 mile day certifications since the 1980s. These are difficult certifications to earn, please study the documentation requirements carefully.
Step one - choose a SAFE route and use a mapping program (google maps preferred) to check your ride really is 1,600 real kilometers - don't come up short because you did not check!.
Step two - Collect, photograph and track FUEL receipts, START/END and each stop - photos of each receipt in front of your odometer - keep a log of each stop.
Step three - send it in! Where possible, please use electronic submission.
Forms needed:Trip log and application forms (pdf)
If you have any questions about this ride, contact us at to [email protected].
SaddleSore History
Prior to 1993, the Iron Butt Association did not certify
'1600km-in-1 day' rides. To that point we referred riders to other
Unfortunately, that occasionally turned out to be a mistake. In some
cases, organizations that claimed to have rides didn't, while others
took riders' money and never delivered promised awards.
Although it was never the Iron Butt Association's
intention to certify
1000-in-1 rides, the number of letters we received asking to do so had
become staggering. With some serious pushing from our members, we
agreed to certify a variety of long distance rides. At that same time,
the IBA had been working closely with Les Martin at the California
Motorcycle Touring Association (CMTA) for ride certifications taking
place in California, Nevada and Oregon. As it turns out our decision to
up for ride certifications came about the same time Les Martin had
he was retiring (1993). With Les moving on to a (hopefully!) more
relaxed lifestyle, we were sad to see the rich history of the
SaddleSore and Bun Burner rides he had been working so hard on for so
many years to be lost. It only took a few minutes of discussion with
Les about our plans before he decided to donate both the SaddleSore and
Bun Burner names to the Iron Butt Association. During the CMTA days,
the SaddleSore was 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours certification and
the Bun Burner was 1,500 miles in less than 36 hours.
The IBA renamed the rides slightly, the SaddleSore became the
SaddleSore 1000
(1,000 miles in less than 24 hours) and the Bun Burner became the Bun
Burner 1500
miles in less than 36 hours). At the same time, we created the Bun
Burner GOLD
miles in less than 24 hours) as so many riders had "unofficially" been
since the early 1980s.
With so many riders around the world asking to do Iron Butt
rides, we felt it only fitting to create kilometer based rides!
SaddleSore 1600k - 1,610 kilometers (1,000 miles) in 24 hours
SaddleSore 2000k - 2,000 kilometers in 24 hours
Bun Burner 2500k - 2,500 kilometers in 36 hours
We hope that we can continue the quality and tradition
of the ride to which Les Martin devoted so many years of his life.
With so many riders around the world asking to do Iron
Butt rides, we felt it only fitting to create km based rides!
SaddleSore Guidelines
Riders that
successfully have a SaddleSore or Bun Burner ride certified
receive a certificate, an Iron Butt Association pin and a
plastic license plate back with our logo "Iron Butt Association -
World's Toughest Riders."
Every time I read these guidelines, they seem overly
complex. However, they were developed by one of our members involved in
record keeping for various sporting events. There is no doubt that the
documentation requirements
for these certifications are tough, but when you hang your certificate
on the wall, you can rest easy knowing that we just don't hand these
out to anyone. When
the ride is over, you have survived not only a very tough ride, but
have the documentation to back up your claims. How many riders can say
When you read the following guidelines, keep in mind
that our goal is to see a
well documented ride. If you cannot follow the guidelines exactly, feel
free to drop us a line with a proposal. We will be happy to review your
plans and possibly accept changes to this format.
Michael Kneebone
Iron Butt Association
Iron Butt Association Guidelines for the SaddleSore
1600K or Bun Burner 2500K.
are the guidelines for earning an Iron Butt
Association Pin and patch (crest) and a Certificate of Completion for a
1,610 kilometer ride in less than 24 hours (SaddleSore 1600K), 2,000
kilometers in less than 24 hours (SaddleSore 2000K), or 2,500
in less than 36 hours (Bun
Finnish language Guidelines are at:
Many EU country Guidelines are at:
IBA Mexico Guidelines are at:
IBA India Guidelines email: [email protected]
IBA UK Guidelines are at:
IBA Ireland Guidelines are at: It is possible to complete both the SaddleSore 1600K and Bun
Burner 2500k on the same ride (or SS2000K and BB2500K). For
example, in the first 24 hours you ride 1,610 kilometers and then
continue on the second day and ride another 900 kilometers or more.
Should you complete both the SaddleSore and Bun Burner on the same ride
and want certificates for both, please see the attached fee schedule.
You may also complete the ride two-up (with one person
doing the piloting,
the other being a passenger the entire distance - you may not share
duties!). In these cases, the Iron Butt Association issues one
certificate, with both rider and passenger on it, but we provide two
copies of it; one for the rider and one for the passenger. There is NO
additional charge for a passenger, however, if they would like a pin or
plate frame, you will need to add that in on the fee schedule page.
There are five steps to earning a SaddleSore or Bun
Burner 1500 certification; 1. Choose a safe route, 2. collect and track receipts, and 3. copy and submit your documentation. Since
safety is our primary concern, no pre-registration of your ride is
needed. Our goal is to give you added flexibility to decide on any
given day whether
the combination of weather, your motorcycle and most importantly, your
attitude, is ready for a big ride.
STEP ONE, Choose a SAFE route
Your ride needs to be completely documented (steps
outlined below) and cover a minimum distance of 1,610 km in less
than 24 hours (SaddleSore 1600K),
or 2,500 km in less than 36 hours (Bun Burner). In order to keep
rides from becoming races, mileages in excess of 2,500 km in less
than 24 hours will not be published.
Please keep in mind, 24 hours is wall clock time, not
riding time. So if you start
your ride at 5:00 pm on June 1st, you must finish it before 5
pm on June 2nd.
The SaddleSore and Bun Burner do NOT require you to
speed. The majority of riders will cover their 1,610 km in about 18
to 20 hours (including all stops). For every hour you are on a major
highway riding, you put approximately 20 minutes of "off" time in your
time bank that can be used for
resting. Use that time wisely as it does not come off the 24 hour clock!
Although this is not much of an issue in the USA and
Canada, please note: We do not certify rides where the maximum speed
limit is too low to support the average speed necessary to complete the
ride within the time limit.
A safe ride should be your primary goal. If this is your
first attempt at a 1,610 km day, we highly recommend that
you study the Iron Butt Association's 25 long distance riding tips
located at: 25
Additionally, U.S. riders will find that
the Interstate Highway system offers the safest and quickest way to
cover the miles. With efficient time management, many riders leave
early in the morning and are home in time for a late dinner.
Other riders will split the SaddleSore and Bun Burner rides in two
parts, riding through the day and stopping for a motel room and
continuing the ride after a long rest stop (obviously, with 36 hours
available, the Bun Burner offers a little more motel time).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Unless your speedometer has been
calibrated, do NOT depend on your own odometer readings for official
mileage! Most Japanese motorcycles register at least four percent more
miles than actually traveled. Over the course of a 24 hour period, this
error can be quite severe - as much as 40 miles. IN ALL CASES, mileage
will be verified with either Microsoft Streets and Trips, Google Maps,
or in some cases, paper maps or other sources as required.
We recommend you put your route in to Google Maps, it
works in most parts of the world
and allows you to easily change your route by dragging it on alternate
roads. Additionally, it allows you to save your route and send it to us
(Click the Menu icon ≡ (upper left corner); Click the Chain
Link icon "Share or embed map"; Check the box "Short URL"; copy the
resulting link & paste it where desired.)
From a documentation standpoint, the best route is one
where you take a straight line ride from point to point (for example,
start in Chicago, Illinois and finish in Denver, Colorado). However, we
realize that many riders cannot afford to devote this kind of time to
their ride. With that in mind, you may choose any route you wish using
the following guidelines:
If you choose a circular route, you will need to obtain
a dated receipt at each "corner" to show that you did not take a
short-cut. For example, if you choose to ride the circular route of
Chicago, Illinois to St. Louis, Missouri to Kansas City, Kansas to Des
Moines, Iowa and back to Chicago, we would expect to receive receipts
from each of those cities (in addition to the guidelines that follow).
If you choose a route where you ride 800 km and then
turn around and come back, you must get a dated receipt at the turn
around point. For example, if you were to start in Denver, Colorado and
ride to Omaha, Nebraska and back to Denver, we would expect a detailed
receipt from Omaha (in addition to the guidelines that follow).
We strongly discourage, and in some cases may reject,
routes that are repetitive in nature. For example, we would not accept
a claim that you rode five round-trips between Daytona Beach, Florida
and Jacksonville, a distance of only 155 km.
No preregistration is needed for the SaddleSore or Bun
Burner rides. We feel this removes the pressure to complete the ride
should you become tired or otherwise feel unsafe.
While group SaddleSore rides bring with them the safety of group
travel, they can also increase your risk by encouraging you to press on
when you
might otherwise stop. Group rides can also encourage aggressive riding.
sure riding styles of others in your group match your style. When
a ride, keep in mind that group rides are only as fast as the slowest
person in the group. This can extend your riding day many hours
pushing you toward fatigue.
Motorcycling comes with risk and riding a 1,610 km or
more increases your risk
substantially. It is imperative you understand the risk you are taking
minimize the possibility of an accident by practicing safe motorcycle
No one, not even the most experienced long distance rider, can safely
fight off fatigue. If you are tired, the only option is to stop and
Ignoring the symptoms of fatigue can be fatal.
The SaddleSore and Bun Burner rides enjoy a fantastic safety record but
continue this record requires you to do your part. If you are tired,
a bad day, or facing other hurdles that are impacting your riding
skills, please stop and rest so that you may enjoy motorcycling another
Please remember that the Iron Butt Association is
dedicated to the sport of safe, long-distance motorcycle riding. It
does not condone nor will it tolerate unsafe
activities such as excessive speed (in many states, riding more than 20
miles per hour above the speed limit will also get you charged with
reckless driving. Reckless driving is a serious charge in any
jurisdiction. In many cases your motorcycle can be impounded and you
will be required to return to court for a personal appearance at a
hearing, irrespective of the distance you have to travel to appear or
the hardship that it might entail. Few experiences in motorcycling are
more memorable than an appearance in traffic court, particularly if
your license hangs on the outcome), reckless motorcycle operation,
riding while fatigued or otherwise impaired, the use of stimulants to
maintain alertness, or any other activity that results in riders
their personal limits. Any rider found to have engaged in these or
unsafe activities, as determined in the sole discretion of the IBA,
will have the certification application refused. If the certification
is already
issued and we find out about these infractions after the fact, the
certification will be revoked (if you read Motorcyclist Magazine, you
may have
seen them burning an IBA certification when we revoked the
of a noted staffer's ride). For these
purposes, the IBA will consider as an admission of violating this
any public statements made by the participant that describe
in unsafe activities during a ride subject to certification.
STEP TWO: Collect, photograph and track FUEL receipts - THIS STEP IS CRITICAL!
Your ride starts from the location of your first
computer generated receipt (preferably fuel):
at the end of your ride,
You MUST have a receipt at every major CORNER/TURNING POINT of your ride to show you did not take a short cut.
And finally, don't forget, we need ALL your FUEL
Here is an example of a 'good' receipt:
Take a photo of all receipt in front of your odometer at each fuel stop:
low-resolution photo shows a good way to show your receipts. Of
course, the photo you turn in will be higher resolution so the
verification team can clearly read location, date and time. Most
phones are capable of taking this kind of photo. For more
examples, please visit here.
You might want to start practicing now before your ride. On a good day, under cover at gas pumps, it is easy-peasy. On a wet, windy
day at non-covered pumps, not so much. Or you might hate it - in which case, you may use this
ALTERNATE WITNESS METHOD to document your ride. But compared to hitting up a hotel clerk at 3 am (who many times has moved on and probably
can't respond to our letters anyway), the photo in front of your odometer method should prove to be superior.
Before the start, you will want to try gas stations to
find one that has a receipt with a good location, time and date on it
to document the start of your ride.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Date and time is most important for
your start and end receipts. They are much
less critical on the other ride receipts. We know there are mistakes on
many station clocks -
spend your time concentrating on the start and end receipts.
Fill up your gas tank and obtain a computer printed gas
receipt with a legible date and time stamp. NOTE: Many gas stations in
both the United
States and in Europe are printing an "invoice number" which is actually
the time of the transaction for example, you might see Inv# 113557
means 11:35:57 am. You may also elect to use a bank ATM receipt with a
time and date stamp for your start time but please leave with your tank
Your fuel (and stop) log helps us figure out how your
ride progressed - it is a summary of what happened during the ride.
The following log entries are mandatory:
A log entry must be made at each gas stop (sample
attached). A log entry includes the following information; DATE, TIME,
TIME ZONE, LOCATION (i.e. Moline, IL) and ODOMETER reading. A receipt
must accompany each log entry (please note, that the receipts from
these gas stops, where possible should include a date stamp - we do NOT
care about time stamps on
these receipts, do not waste time worrying about time stamps, the only
stamps that are critical are the start and finish receipts!).
In order for the verification team to account for your
time, a log entry must be made at each stop longer than 30 minutes (for
example you decide to stop at a roadside rest stop for a nap or get a
motel room during the ride). Each entry for extended stops
must include the approximate length of the stop or the start time and
ending time. Meals that take longer than 30 minutes are considered rest
stops - where possible please try and obtain a restaurant receipt.
Obviously, many types of stops, for example a stop in a rest area, will
not generate any kind of receipt - this is acceptable, but please
account for the time in your log.
WARNING: If your motorcycle is equipped with a large
fuel-tank, please note that you must stop at least once every 350 miles
for gas (this is purely for documentation for your ride). Although we
know it is possible to ride greater distances non-stop, we will not
accept a claim of this type.
At the end of your ride, before the 24 hour (or 36 hour
for the Bun Burner) time period is up, obtain a computer printed gas
receipt with a legible location, date and time stamp.
TIME * * *
STEP THREE: Prepare, Copy and Submit your
Find a map (an old, or photocopied one is acceptable)
and circle the cities you stopped in (don't forget the start and ending
points) for gas/food/etc (a Xerox of a map is acceptable). This map is
assist the person verifying the routes and is meant to give a good
overall picture
of your ride. You do not actually have to find the small towns you
in, just circle the approximate area. The best map is one that shows
your route on one or two pages. Please do not send in multi-page
route sheets from mapping programs or an Auto club they are too hard
the verification team
to get a good overview of your ride.
If you use a sattelite tracking system, please feel free to include that map also.
COPY your receipts and number the copies to correspond
to your log.
COPY your log.
* * * Retain your original documentation - only send
copies! * * *
If needed, write a short note about any problems with
your ride, for example,
"The receipt from Valentine, Nebraska does not have the correct date. I
the attendant write the correct date. The station's number is 555
We strongly caution that out on the road it may not
be possible to follow these guidelines to the letter.
If that happens, please explain any problem you encountered and we will
do our best to work out a solution. For example, 24 hours and 35
minutes into his ride, one rider could not find a gas station, eventually he found an ATM and got a receipt. While he was over the
24 hour time period, he had also ridden 1,081 miles, obviously he had ridden over 1,000 miles in 24 hours (no one can ride 81 miles in 35 minutes). In a case like this, we
roll the map and clock back to the 24 hour point.
COMPLETE the attached form. Basically, this is information where to send the certification package, what name and motorcycle you want on the certificate and
the basic route you would like the certification to note.
the fee. We offer several options. You can get only
the certificate for $45; or for a better value, you can order the 'full
package' including the certificate, a ride PATCH, and an
IBA plate back for $54 (a $6 savings)
You will need these forms to complete this
application process:
Trip log and application forms (pdf)
FINALLY, decide on electronic submission or snail mail:
Have a scanner or good camera? Try the ELECTRONIC APPLICATION process
Visit: IBA
Electronic Electronic Application Guidelines.
via snail mail send it to:
Iron Butt Association, P.O. Box PO Box 4550, LISLE, ILLINOIS USA
USA. Please make your check payable in US funds to the "Iron
Butt Association". Please note that we do not make any money on this
ride, this is our approximate cost of administrating the SaddleSore and
Bun Burner program. NOTE: If you are located outside the United States
or Canada and obtaining a check in US Funds is difficult please send
e-mail to [email protected] for possible alternate payment methods.
Please try and avoid Federal Express, UPS or Certified
mail - although it may seem faster to use these services, we are at our
full-time jobs during the day and sometimes it can take weeks to take
time off from work to pick up your "speedy" package. If you are
concerned we received
your documents and live in the U.S., we recommend "Delivery
(a 55 cent product offered by the Post Office that allows you to track
a letter or package via an 800 number, e-mail or the internet).
When we get your ride documentation, one of several
people will start the
verification process. Due to the extensive work involved (keying data
into mileage spreadsheets, map verifications, witness contacts where needed and custom certificate preparations) and the fact that approximately
60% of the labor involved with producing these awards are performed by
volunteers, it will usually take a minimum of 2 to 3 months
before your certificates will be ready for signature and mailed to
you. If you intend being an active Iron Butt rider, you should
consider becoming a Premier
Member now. Premier
members usually get
their certificates in just a few weeks!
We realize this is a long time to wait for your
certification. However,
our certification process is very thorough. In fact, the entire
process is what gives your certificate value. It would be very easy for
the Iron Butt Association to simply take money and print up a generic
"you rode a 1,000 mile day" certificate, however, the value of the
entire certification program is in the fact that not just anyone can
get an
Iron Butt Association ride certification. The downside
is this process takes time... We can only offer that when you receive
your certification you know that not only you earned it, and so did any
other rider that you meet with the same certification.
Before we can issue your certification, you may be asked
to clarify certain aspects of your ride and/or documentation by either
e-mail, phone or letter. Additionally, certain aspects of your ride are
subject to audit by yet another set of IBA volunteers charged with
insuring only people that rode the miles get the award. Should your
package get tagged for that audit, it too may delay the final
determination of your claim for the award.
If you have any questions about this ride, contact us at to [email protected].
Ride Packages:
The Full Monty (FULL Package is the same minus the ride pin)
Patches: $8.75 each
Not true to size. Patch is 2.25"
Patch is 3.75" tall

Pins: $9.50 each (unfortunately pins can no longer ship internationally with ride package and have to be purchsed off the store
after your ride is approved - it is NOT us, around mid-2020 postal rules have changed with large metal objects in flat envlopes causing customs issues...
(Not true to size. Pins are 1.75" tall)