Iron Butt Association SPAIN

Bienvenidos a Iron Butt Espa�a (Iron Butt Spain) Puede que algunos nos conozcan como Marco Almaraz IBA M�xico & The Asphalt Rats y Dubanok presidente de Asphalt Rats Spain quien junto conmigo hemos estado encabezando Iron Butt Espa�a desde el 2016.

Antes que nada, queremos darles la m�s cordial bienvenida a todos y queremos invitarlos al rally anual Broken Bones 1600 � Riding the medusa edition- que se estar� llevando a cabo del 31 de mayo al 2 de junio de 2024 en la ciudad de Madrid. Pr�ximamente estaremos subiendo la informaci�n completa a este �pico rally de motociclismo, incluyendo links de registro.

Trabajamos duro para poder ofrecer eventos de calidad para ustedes como pilotos y ser reconocidos mundialmente por sus logros, sin olvidar que lo mas importante es el crear pilotos responsables e inteligentes sin dejar de divertirnos.

Welcome to Iron Butt Spain (Iron Butt Spain) Some may know us as Marco Almaraz IBA Mexico & The Asphalt Rats and Dubanok president of Asphalt Rats Spain who together with me have been heading Iron Butt Spain since 2016. First of all, we want to give you all a warm welcome and we want to invite you to the annual Broken Bones 1600 rally � Riding the medusa edition � which will be taking place from May 31 to June 2, 2024 in the city of Madrid. Soon we'll be uploading complete information on this epic motorcycle rally, including registration links. We work hard to be able to offer quality events for you as riders and be recognized worldwide for your achievements, without forgetting that the most important thing is to create responsible and intelligent riders while still having fun.

Spanish language support and ride submittal via [email protected]

Iron Butt Association Portugal

Portuguese language support via [email protected]

Iron Butt Trademarks (and a bit of history)

Please respect our intellectual property rights. Do not distribute this document, or portions therein, without the written permission of the Iron Butt Association.