Danny & Arlene Liska documents for AMA Hall of Fame nomination

Date last revised: January 26, 2020

The initial effort to nominate Danny and Arlene Liska into the American Motorcyclist Association's Hall of Fame began with Eddie James, a former director of road riding for the AMA, finisher of multiple Iron Butt Rallies, a co-founder of Minnesota's TeamStrange, and a close personal friend of Arlene's. Following his untimely death in 2009, his project languished.

In the summer of 2019, Lisa Erbes, Jim Winterer, Rick Corwine, and Bob Higdon agreed to breathe new life into Eddie's dream. Lisa and Jim went through the archives of scores of newspapers and magazines, unearthing 169 media references to the Liskas going back more than 60 years; Rick assumed the job of sorting through a mountain of photographs, cleaning them up, and digitizing them; and Bob put the results of everyone else's work together, filled out the required paperwork, and submitted the 20-page joint applications to the AMA Hall of Fame on December 24, 2019.

The AMA requires that the submission contain, among other things, "Support material and copies of media coverage highlighting the applicant's achievements." In the case of the Liskas that would amount to attaching a book. Michael Kneebone, president of the Iron Butt Association, graciously agreed to host a large but representative sample of media that we believe fairly represents their monumental achievements.

The material here is arranged as follows:

  • AMA Hall of Fame application
  • Photos - Liskas
  • Photos - The Americas
  • Photos - Europe and Africa
  • Butler & Smith advertising campaign
  • Video interview of Arlene Liska
  • Chronological collection of newspaper and magazine articles

AMA Hall of Fame application

Photos - Liskas

Photos - The Americas

Photos - Europe and Africa

Butler and Smith advertising campaign

Video interview of Arlene Liska

Chronological collection of newspaper and magazine articles

Lisa Erbes
Jim Winterer
Rick Corwine
Bob Higdon