The Ends of the Earth
Version No. 1.1
Date last
revised: October 9, 2018
©2018, Iron
Butt Association, Sheridan, Wyoming
Please respect our intellectual property rights. Do not
distribute this document or portions therein, without the written
permission of the Iron Butt Association.
This ride encompasses some of Australia�s most gruelling
conditions with many hundreds of kilometres of remote, corrugations,
sand, red bull dust, countless unsealed water crossings and a ferry
crossing. Wildlife include, cattle, kangaroos, horses and crocodiles
that pose risk to the rider.
Due to monsoonal rains in the tropics, access is closed for many months
of the year making the road impassable to all vehicles.
Many areas are accessible only by a single lane track and care must be
taken as if misadventure was to occur help may be several hours away
once contact has been made for help.
Extensive work is being undertaken to seal the Peninsula Developmental
Road (PDR). This is the main road north and countless sections are
being developed simultaneously and it appears that it is almost a race
to have it sealed.
Not avoiding a challenge, Karl Pirchmoser aka Skidoo completed the ride
in May 2018 whilst the majority of the PDR road was unsealed.
The ride starts at Cape York (Far North Queensland) and
finishes in
Wilsons Promontory Victoria. The ride may be done in the reverse order
if preferred.
-- A Dated Business Receipt (DBR) is a machine
generated receipt with the date, time and must have Bamaga (Qld)
reflected on it. This receipt is required either to or from Cape York
and does not reflect the actual commencement of completion times.
Appropriate documentation must also be completed as required.
-- The ride officially commences or concludes at �Cape
York� car park. It is up to the rider being able to prove times and a
SPOT or other GPS device is required.
-- Photo/s are required of the bike, speedo, rider and
signage at the Cape York car park.
-- The finish location must have a DBR receipt with
the date, time and Wilsons Promontory (Vic) reflected on it. A photo
with the bike, speedo and rider are also required in front of a signage
reflecting Wilsons Promontory with appropriate documentation completed.
-- You must obtain a DBR every 600 kilometres or less
as per IBA rules
-- The ride must be completed within 60hrs.
-- Any route may be taken by the rider as long as Cape
York and Wilsons Property are the designated start and finish locations.
-- To adhere to the spirit and acknowledging the
complexity of this challenge, the rider must ride the same motorcycle
the entire trip.

Cape York Car Park

Starting Speedo

O of the many river crossings

Getting to the starting point

The finish point

Finishing speedo |