--Centreline 24
--Centreline 36
Version No. 1.0
Date last
revised: December 1, 2016
2016, Iron Butt Association, Sheridan, Wyoming
Please respect our intellectual property rights. Do not
distribute this document or portions therein, without the written
permission of the Iron Butt Association.
First ridden by �Davo Jones� (RIP) back in April 2007 and certified
a BBG2500K. Sadly, Davo passed away on Friday, September 4, 2009, as a
result of hitting a deer on US-95 shortly after crossing into the U.S.
from Canada during the 2009 Iron Butt Rally.
In 2011, President of the Iron Butt Association, Mike Kneebone, in
recognition of Davo�s tireless efforts for the long distance riding
community in Australia and in the encouragement, support and promotion
of the IBA there, renamed the ride to the Centreline 24 and added the
Centreline 36 to complete the series of rides.
Davos� comment:
As part of a ride called "The Long Ride" to Darwin as a fund raiser for
The Royal Flying Doctors I decided to return home the long way.
Completing 8395klm (5216mi) in 8 days along the way including 2 days
not riding.
I had been thinking about doing a centre line run under 24hrs from
Darwin in the Northern Territory straight down through the deserts to
Port Augusta in South Australia. After a lot of consideration and talks
with locals I phoned my wife back at home on Saturday the 29th to say
"darling I have decided to try and run the centre under 24hrs, it's
2700klms" to which she replied "I thought you might"
I will write the full report later. But for now it seems I may be the
first to do this as a documented and witnessed IBA ride.
I like to call it "CentreLine 24" now let�s see if anyone else wants to
take up the challenge. For those out of the country, we are talking
almost desert the whole way with very few inhabitants.

Documentation: See
You may also submit your documentation
electronically for faster service. See these
Fees: $50
DBR - Dated Business Receipt
A DBR is a machine generated receipt with the date, time and LOCATION
on it. Check it - do not assume it is correct. A receipt
with an incorrect time/date/location is worthless. Check and
The ride may start at either Port Augusta or Darwin and is to be
completed within 24 hours for the Centreline 24 or 36 hours for the
Centreline 36.
You must obtain a DBR every 600 kilometres or less AND at the
following locations (The DBR MUST indicate the city, date and
time. Check your receipts):
Port Augusta, South Australia
Darwin, Northern Territory
Your official time is determined by the starting and ending
receipts. PLEASE check these documents and make sure the clock
and date is correct!
Spotwalla.com is strongly recommended but not required.
Remember it is YOUR responsibility to prove you visited all required stops. Spotwalla goes a long way towards this proof.
All that is required now is for you to go and have some fun and enjoy
the ride.