IBA Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Ride
Version 2.0 Date last revised: November 30, 2023
© 2023 Iron Butt Association Sheridan, Wyoming
Memorial Day we pause to remember our military members who lost their
life while serving. Memorial Day Weekend is also the unofficial
start of Summer.
The weather should be just right - not too hot and not too cold making
it is a great time to go for a ride and participate in the Iron Butt
Association’s Memorial Day Weekend Memorial Ride.
Your ride must start and finish anytime on Memorial Day weekend between 12:01 AM on
Friday and 11:59 PM on Tuesday. Any IBA ride
qualifies for a Memorial Ride. We
will include a personalized dedication to each certificate. Just
include your message - 15 words or less - when you submit your ride
A special memorial certificate is issued for this ride and all certified
rides will have two certificates issued when you let us know in your
application so one can be sent to a family member or friend that you
wish to honor. Normal ride fees apply.

you know other riders who are interested in riding their first IBA
As a Premier Member:
- when you coach 'to-be
IBA riders' on
"first" IBA ride,
- show them how to submit a Premier
Member Ride
- submit your
ride applications together via ibapremiercertification.com.
ride with them on their first IBA ride is at no-cost to
you. Or you can pay for your ride and buy them a one year Premier
membership at no cost.
Another plus is the 'to-be IBA rider' gains entry into the Iron Butt
Association in a matter of weeks versus four to six months or longer,
provided their first-ride is certified.
There is no limit on the number of "First-Ride No-Fee"
rides. It
is just another way to share the passion of long-distance riding.