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Alternate Eye Witness Method

If you cannot use the method of taking photos of your receipts in front of your odometer, or taking photos of your receipts at each gas stop seem like to much of a hassle, you may use this method to document your ride (you will still need all your receipts to copy and submit, just not a photo of them in front of your odometer).

The downside is that trying to find an eyewitness out on the road at 3 am is no easy feat. And witnesses can be unreliable.


In order to document your ride, the Iron Butt Association requires that you obtain an eyewitness AND a time and dated business receipt to document the START and END of your ride. A witness for the basic SaddleSore 1000 and Bun Burner 1500 may be a friend (but not one on the ride with you), spouse or even gas station attendant willing to answer a letter from the IBA about your start or end time. If a passenger is on the ride with you, please ask your witnesses to sign the form for the passenger also.

Make sure that you inform potential witnesses that the Iron Butt Association may be auditing certain aspects of your ride and may be sending them a letter with a copy of the page they signed asking them to verify the information provided. Receipts are your primary concern, however, a good witness has "saved" many rides, so try to pick the best witness possible to see you start or end your ride. Keep in mind that a witness who doesn't bother to respond to an audit letter or phone call is as good as having no witness at all!

If a witness is someone you know, a short thank you note after you complete your ride is always appreciated. Besides, the witness will be waiting to hear how you did. If you can read .pdf files (Adobe Acrobat) and want to see a deluxe "Thank You" letter, click here.   Most thank you letters are not that deluxe!

Try to remember that you are a salesperson each time you approach someone to sign your witness form. If someone doesn't want to provide a home address - suggest providing a business address. According to experienced riders, taking a few minutes to explain your ride to potential witnesses will get them involved. Most people will actually feel honored to sign your witness form. However, attitude plays a key role, if someone refuses to sign your book, don't argue, move on to the next person.

Many IBA members also volunteer to witness, you might want to check here to see if there are any close to your start or end points.


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