Ultimate Canadian Insanity
Version No. 1.1
Date last
revised: December 15, 2020
© 2020, Iron Butt Association, Sheridan, Wyoming
Please respect our intellectual property rights. Do not
distribute this document or portions therein, without the written
permission of the Iron Butt Association.
Created by Canadian Bob
Munden, the Ultimate Canadian Insanity
is a
motorcycle ride that visits Canada's four extreme cardinal points
accessible by public roads.
These are the locations:
- North: Inuvik,
Northwest Territories; about
125 miles north of the Arctic Circle
- South: Point Pelee National Park, Ontario; about 40 miles
southeast of Detroit, Michigan
- East: Cape
Spear, Newfoundland; about 375 miles east of Sydney, Nova Scotia
- West: Little
Gold Creek, Yukon; about 65 road miles west of Dawson, Yukon, at the
Alaska border
There is a time limit for completion of the ride, and the
locations may be visited
in any order.
The iconic
SaddleSore 1000, is described on the Iron Butt
Association website. The rules for that ride are similar, and valuable
relevant information is provided there.
Documentation: See here
Remittance Fee: $60
DBR - Dated Business
A DBR is a machine generated receipt with the date, time
LOCATION on it. Check it - do not assume it is correct. A
receipt with an incorrect time/date/location is worthless. Check
and re-check.
You must complete the Ultimate Canadian Insanity
ride in less
than 20

You must obtain a Dated Business
Receipt (DBR) in the beginning
and ending locations, as
well as along the route every 350 miles (600 kilometers) or less.
Your route must be entirely
within Canada. If you leave Canada for any reason during the ride, you
must re-enter
Canada at the same location as your exit, and you must document the
exit and re-entry.
You may start at any of the listed cardinal point locations. If your
route includes a leg between Point Pelee and either Little Gold Creek or Inuvik,
you must obtain DBRs in the vicinity (25 miles) of Toronto, Ontario,
and Thunder Bay, Ontario. On any leg that begins or ends at Cape Spear,
you must obtain a DBR in the
vicinity (25 miles) of Quebec
City, Quebec. You may
choose any route that meets these requirements.
Your official ride duration is determined from the starting
and ending DBRs. PLEASE check these documents and make sure
the time and date are correct!
is strongly
recommended but not
you cannot get a DBR, you must take a
picture, including your motorcycle, to PROVE you were in each
location. Remember it is YOUR responsibility to prove your
starting point, route, and ending point. Spotwalla goes a long
way towards this proof.
There is no additiional merchandise for this ride.