Bun Burner Silver
Bun Burner Gold
Version No. 2.1
Date last
revised: November 21, 2019
2019, Iron Butt Association, Sheridan, Wyoming
Please respect our intellectual property rights. Do not
distribute this document or portions therein, without the written
permission of the Iron Butt Association.
The Bun Burner Silver is a motorcycle ride in which you must ride 1,500
miles in less than 30 hours.
The Bun Burner Gold is a motorcycle ride in which you must ride 1,500
miles in less than 24 hours.
Before you can apply for one of these rides, you must have completed at
least one of these rides:
--SaddleSore 1000
--SaddleSore 2000
--Bun Burner 1500 (1,500 miles in less than 36 hours)
--any rally recognized by the IBA in which your mileage can be
accurately verified as complying with the requirements of one of the
rides above
You have several options to bail out on these Bun Burner rides. The
needed are the same as a SaddleSore 1000 so if you cannot
complete, say, the BBG, you may still have successfully
completed the SaddleSore 1000 or the Bun Burner Silver.
Documentation: See here.
DBR - Dated Business Receipt
A DBR is a machine generated receipt with the date, time and LOCATION
on it. Check it - do not assume it is correct. A receipt
with an incorrect time/date/location is worthless. Check and
Verification Fee: Bun
Burner Gold
Bun Burner Silver
Read the rules for
the iconic SaddleSore 1000
on the Iron Butt
Association site. The rules are identical to those of a
SaddleSore 1000.
You may start and finish in any city you wish.
You may take any route you wish.
Your official time is determined by the starting
and ending receipts. PLEASE check these documents and make sure
the clock and date are correct!
is strongly recommended but not
It is YOUR responsibility to prove you did the
ride. Spotwalla goes a long
way towards this proof.
Warning: Do not rely on your speedometer mileage.
Most Japanese motorcycle odometers read 'high' by as much as 5%.
When planning your ride, it is wise to plan for an additional 50 miles
of riding to be more certain that you have met the verification
requirements. Verification of mileage is done using any one of
several computerized road atlases.
Merchandise (BB Silver
items not shown, but we do have them):
Pins: $8.75
each (Not true to
size--pins are 1.75 inches tall)

Patches: $8.75 each (Not true to size--patches are 3.5
inches tall)
Plate Backs:
$6.50 each
