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Idaho X

Idaho X Gold

Version No. 1.1
Date last revised: July 3, 2024

© 2024, Iron Butt Association, Chicago, Illinois
Please respect our intellectual property rights. Do not distribute this document or portions there in, without the written permission of the Iron Butt Association.


The ID-X ride is roughly 1,890 miles. You will ride your motorcycle to or from all four listed corner locations and cross the center location three times.

Read the rules for the iconic SaddleSore 1000 on the Iron Butt Association site. The rules for this ride are similar and you will get valuable background information.

Documentation  See here


DBR - Dated Business Receipt

A DBR is a machine generated receipt with the date, time and LOCATION on it. Check it - do not assume it is correct. A receipt with an incorrect time/date/location is worthless. Check and re-check.

Fees  See fee page


This is a SpotWalla required ride.

Photos are required.

The ride must be completed in less than:

--Idaho X Ride              45 hours
--Idaho X Ride Gold      41 hours

You must start at any listed corner location. You must end the ride at the last listed corner location.*

You must visit the center location three times.

*A DBR photo in front of your odometer is the preferred method of documenting your start and end, however it may not be possible to find a business or ATM at the time you are at that location.  In that event take a photo of your bike in front of the location's post office, police station or municipal building.  Welcome to and city limits signs are also acceptable means of proof.  Then, get a DBR at the next convenient location within 50 miles.

You should not leave Idaho except for safety reasons or to take a required photo but if you do so, you MUST re-enter Idaho at the same point you left it. Those miles ridden outside Idaho are not credited toward the miles for this ride.

You may take any route you like but remember you must visit each of the listed corner locations and you must visit the center location in between each corner for a total of at least 3 times. You must document each visit with a DBR or photo.  You must use SpotWalla.


Bonners Ferry
Macks Inn

Macks Inn is located 5 miles out of island Park.  There is a gas station there that issues DBR's.  If that is not available, take a picture of your bike in front of the Macks Inn Post Office.

Your official time is determined by the starting and ending receipts. PLEASE check these documents and make sure the clock and date are correct! is required. 

Remember it is YOUR responsibility to prove you visited all required locations. SpotWalla goes a long way towards this proof.


There is no additional merchandise for this ride.